Pilobolus and Prayer

Good gracious, I am glad this week is over. Sickness has been spreading around my friends like the plague, and me and one of my roommates were the latest victims this week. Massive papers due at the end of the week were just the icing on the cake.

There were some wonderfully bright spots to this week- in particular, Tuesday, the day of Pilobolus at UNCG. If you have never heard of them, well, you're missing out on some spectacular stuff. They're a famous modern dance company that combines stunning athleticism with visual grandeur. You might have seen them doing some silhouette work at the Academy Awards or in some car commercials. A Pilobolus performance = dance meets circus meets gymnastics meets awesome. Not only did they perform Tuesday night, but they also taught a class for my dance department that morning, which I got to sit in on. They all seemed incredibly nice, very full of energy....and built like steel. You'd have to be to do their choreography. It's the most high energy, high intensity, strength-demanding dance I've ever seen. Hence, the majority of the company is also male, though I've gotta say, the two women definitely held their own in the strength department.

Another great part of the week was 24/7 prayer at my church. Starting this past Sunday, my small church was open 24 hours a day for people from all over the city to come and pray. Though people were free to come in at any time, people also chose to sign up for timeslots during the day, so that at least one person was there praying at all hours of the day or night. Me and a few of my friends took a midnight-2:00 AM shift, and my breath was taken away as I walked in. You could pray as you work on a mosaic, knit, weave on a loom, paint, play music, write on walls, collage, read books, write in books....I can't even describe the environment, but it was a very engaging and beautiful way to commune with God. My church is the most vibrant, loving, artistically and intellectually stimulating church body I've ever seen, and I just consider myself incredibly blessed to get to be a part of it.

Speaking of blessings, I spent Saturday night with some wonderful friends, as we decided to celebrate Christmas early with a mushy romantic holiday movie. We realized we would only have a little over a week after returning from Thanksgiving break to celebrate the best time of the year ..and that simply isn't enough. So we all broke out our our best Christmas pajamas and headed over to my friend Sarah's house for some delicious homemade apple crisp and hot chocolate, which was divine. I'm so excited that the holiday season is upon us!

1 Response to "Pilobolus and Prayer"

  1. Emerly Sue Says:

    I loved 24/7 prayer. I went and sat in the knitting chair for what seemed forever, and it seemed as though I could just rest in and focus on God. I am sad that it's over.